Ahead on a visit to Denmark

Ahead on a visit to Denmark

All good times 7! This was the motto we followed when iiINTERest’s (hereafter ii) board went to Kastrup on 11 June 2022 to receive a small delegation of Ahead Initiative’s (hereafter Ahead) employees and board members at the airport. For the first time...
Handicraft project – now on national TV

Handicraft project – now on national TV

The Handicraft project has been doing terrifically since its beginning in 2018. More villagers have gotten engaged in the project, a common House for learning and teaching has been erected, and the local authorities have started seeing the potentials of reviving the...
New year and Corona

New year and Corona

2021 has begun, and so has a new calendar year in our small association. 2020 was the year of Corona, both here in Denmark but in particular in Eastern India, where our local partners are. As with so many other things, disease strikes harder where poverty is greatest,...